A zillion...
I loved this game. And it told me to rate it a zillion out of 5. So I have done this. Because this game tickled me in my happy places and made me smile, laugh, and cry tears of joyful disbelief. This game made me want to name my firstborn after its creator. This game made me consider seceding from the United States and renouncing my citizenship in order to swear allegiance to Words With Monsters. This game was even better than that time I fed a bottle cap full of Mountain Dew to a goat; which was followed by another rather jellymad goat ramming into the previously mentioned goat who was enjoying his gift of liquid citrus caffeination. I cried on my phone when I finished the game and then proceeded to lick my screen to retain further sustenance from the awesomeness that was Words with Monsters.
My life is Facebook officially changed.
Docklesaur about
Monsters have feelings too!